Staff Lieutenant Key Considerations
Staff Lieutenant Key Considerations
Staff Lieutenant Key Considerations
Staff Lieutenant Key Considerations
Mike Seese
Platoon Leader Key Considerations
Platoon Leader time is your first chance as an Officer to directly influence an operational unit. This is a time to learn and grow, but certainly your time to take charge and lead your Soldiers. Lean on the Officers and Senior NCOs that you trust and respect for growth and development, as you make decisions for your team.
Comprehensively understand your Platoon's MTOE, key tasks, and general purpose within the Company and Battalion
Listen closely to the NCOs around you (especially to your PSG and WSL or Senior Squad Leader)​, and heavily weight their advice and observations
Set the standard for discipline; handle issues with fair and objective, but strict treatment. It is far easier to set a stricter tone earlier in PL time and then decide how/when to “relax” regarding certain things
Lean on your PSG for guidance with standards and discipline​
Don’t be afraid to talk to your rater and senior rater about your objectives and aspirations. Talk to them about schools you may want to go to, graduate degree programs you could pursue in the future
Use appropriate timing and balance of discussing "you" versus your unit
Build great relationships with the Property/Supply NCO and team
This will probably save your career and your bank account at some point
Pick the brains of senior PLs, XO, and 1SG
Some new LTs are shy or don’t consider asking other Platoon and Company leaders for help besides the CDR
Know and live the right property standards
“Sign for this connex of equipment that’s on the way back from Iraq”
Show that you trust your PSG and SLs, but verify/be present
Observe, listen, learn… But be decisive and own your role as OIC
PLs are largely present to learn, but you are the responsible OIC and you need to recognize that you make the final decision, and accept responsibility for it
Understand the costs of following a COA emotionally, and following through with it, when objectively it may be better to postpone, alter, or even drop an event/task etc.
Lead physically
You probably won't be the strongest or fastest. Just work the hardest.​